“The symptoms of spring allergies — nasal congestion, dry cough — are similar to the symptoms of mild COVID-19, so it’s difficult to know which you have, and, of course, people are a little extra concerned these days,” said Dr. Rachel Miller, chief of the division of clinical immunology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. “When you have an allergy, itchiness is a hallmark sign,” Bassett said. “If it’s a virus you may have sudden loss of appetite, headache, fever, sore throat, colored mucus, body aches and pains. Also, if you take an antihistamine you won’t get much relief.” Also, a sore throat might be a good indicator that your symptoms aren't caused by allergies, Bassett said. "Sore throats are associated with colds and viral infections," he said. "Allergies, not likely." (Lauren and I have a COVID-19 or allergies graphic with design)