Interactive Patient Journey:

Protecting Your Family Against MenB

An Interactive Look at Preventing Meningitis B

In 2005, John and Eileen’s daughter died just two days after being diagnosed with meningitis B. In this emotional video, they share the life-changing story of their loss and advise all parents to have their children vaccinated against all strains of meningitis. As you watch, tap the interactive hotspots to learn more about MenB and the MenB vaccine.



9 Questions and Answers About the MenB Vaccine

Information for parents and teens who are thinking about getting the MenB vaccine.

Why Are Teens and Young Adults at Risk for Meningitis B?

A closer look at the factors that put teens and college age adults at risk.

The Potential Complications of Meningitis B

How MenB infections cause hearing loss, nerve damage, and loss of limbs.