Taking Charge of Severe Psoriasis:
Alisha’s Journey to Clear Skin
From Severe Psoriasis to Clear Skin: An Interactive Patient Story
Alisha was diagnosed with Psoriasis at the age of seven. Follow her journey to self-love and acceptance, and see what really happens under your skin when you have moderate-to-severe Psoriasis. The more you know about psoriasis — what it is and how it’s treated — the better you can manage the condition or be an advocate for a loved one.

Learn about the different types of psoriasis, why finding the right treatment can take time, and why a healthy lifestyle is important.

Psoriasis impacts the health of the entire body, including the heart, liver, and joints. Learn what you can do to protect your health.

Going to the gym can be challenging when you have psoriasis. Try these tips for clothing, avoiding triggers, and overcoming stigma.